The beach and the forested hillside at Anderson Point had been on and off the market since 1989 by the William Bauce family of California. The asking price was as high as $1.7 million and was initially purchased by the county in 1999 for use as a park. The high initial cost of the park kept the county from adding many initial improvements and the long 3/4 mile walk down to the beach made it less attractive to many park goers and kept Anderson Point Park a local hidden treasure even after being written up in Sunset Magazine in 2001.
Kitsap County accepted over $500,000 for Anderson Point Park from the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation in 2003, at that time Kitsap County agreed that it would "not make or permit to be made any use of the real property described in this deed, or any part of it, which is inconsistent with the right to use for public outdoor recreation herein granted..." The foregoing specifically applies to all of the Park land, including the deeded access from Banner Road to the Park. See Kitsap County Auditors File # 200409090143
* WA State Wildlife and Recreation Commission lists the park size as 72 acres on its website, the Kitsap Parks Dept lists it as 66 acres on its website, and the county property tax records mark it as two parcels, one which is 24.9 acres and the other of which is listed at 35.77 acres for a total of 60.67 acres.